


Truthyro®- 12.5 , Truthyro®- 25 , Truthyro®- 50, Truthyro®- 62.5 , Truthyro®- 75 , Truthyro®- 100, Truthyro®- 125, Truthyro®- 150


Truthyro®- 12.5 : Thyroxine Sodium IP 12.5 mcg

Packing : 120 Tablets Plastic Bottle


Truthyro®- 25 : Thyroxine Sodium IP 25mcg

Packing : 100’s Glass Bottle


Truthyro®- 50 : Thyroxine Sodium IP 50mcg

Packing : 100’s Glass Bottle


Truthyro®- 62.5 : Thyroxine Sodium IP 62.5mcg

Packing : 100’s Glass Bottle


Truthyro®- 75 : Thyroxine Sodium IP 75mcg

Packing : 100’s Glass Bottle


Truthyro®- 100 : Thyroxine Sodium IP 100mcg

Packing : 100’s Glass Bottle


Truthyro®- 125 : Thyroxine Sodium IP 125mcg

Packing : 100’s Glass Bottle


Truthyro®- 150 : Thyroxine Sodium IP 150mcg

Packing : 100’s Glass Bottle


  • Treatment of choice for management of subclinical hypothyroidism
  • Effective in the suppression of pituitary TSH secretion; maintains normal TSH levels
  • Increases free triiodothyronine concentration

Truthyro®- 12.5, Truthyro®- 25, Truthyro®- 50, Truthyro®- 62.5, Truthyro®- 75, Truthyro®- 100, Truthyro®- 125, Truthyro®- 150


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